Whistleblowing Policy

At APAGCoSyst, we are committed to maintaining a transparent and ethical workplace. In line with Act No. 171/2023 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers, we have implemented a whistleblowing system to provide employees and other relevant individuals with a safe and confidential way to report any suspected misconduct, illegal activities, or other violations that meet the characteristics of the relevant provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act.

Reporting Channels

We ensure multiple reporting channels for submitting notifications:

Czech Republic

  1. Electronic Submissions: You can send your notification to our dedicated email address oznamovatele_apagcosyst@elassistant.com. Only authorized personnel have access to this secure platform, which is managed by an external provider.
  2. Oral Submissions: Appointments can be made with the responsible person during weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To arrange a meeting, contact us via our dedicated phone lines at +420 735 172 010, +420 735 172 011, +420 735 172 012, or via our dedicated telephone lines set out in the internal directive. A record will be made of the oral notification, which you may review and confirm before it is finalized.
  3. Written Submissions: Written notifications can be sent to the following address:
    LIN & PARTNERS s.r.o.
    Opletalova 1525/39,
    Nové Město, Praha 1,
    110 00 Prague.
    Please ensure the envelope is sealed and marked: “WHISTLEBLOWING – IN THE HANDS OF A PERSON IN CHARGE – DO NOT OPEN” to maintain confidentiality.
  4. External Submissions: Notifications can also be made externally to the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic by writing to Vyšehradská 16, Prague 2, 128 10, or via email at oznamovatel@msp.justice.cz. You may also contact the ministry by phone at +420 221 997 840.


  1. Electronic submission: You can send your notifications to our dedicated email address: whistleblowingAGL@apagcosyst.com . Only authorised persons as defined in an internal directive have access to this secure platform.
  1. Oral submissions: A personal meeting with an authorised person can be arranged on working days between 9:00 and 14:00. To arrange a meeting, please contact us via our dedicated telephone lines set out in the internal directive. A record of the verbal notification will be made, with the consent of the notifier, which you will have the opportunity to review and confirm before final closure.


  1. Electronic submission: You can send your notifications to our dedicated email address: whistleblowingAGL@apagcosyst.com . Only authorised persons as defined in an internal directive have access to this secure platform.
  1. Oral submissions: A personal meeting with an authorised person can be arranged on working days between 9:00 and 14:00. To arrange a meeting, please contact us via our dedicated telephone lines set out in the internal directive. A record of the verbal notification will be made, with the consent of the notifier, which you will have the opportunity to review and confirm before final closure.

United States

  1. Electronic submission: You can send your notifications to our dedicated email address: whistleblowingAGL@apagcosyst.com . Only authorised persons as defined in an internal directive have access to this secure platform.
  1. Oral submissions: A personal meeting with an authorised person can be arranged on working days between 9:00 and 14:00. To arrange a meeting, please contact us via our dedicated telephone lines set out in the internal directive. A record of the verbal notification will be made, with the consent of the notifier, which you will have the opportunity to review and confirm before final closure.


  1. Electronic submission: You can send your notifications to our dedicated email address: whistleblowingAGL@apagcosyst.com . Only authorised persons as defined in an internal directive have access to this secure platform.
  1. Oral submissions: A personal meeting with an authorised person can be arranged on working days between 9:00 and 14:00. To arrange a meeting, please contact us via our dedicated telephone lines set out in the internal directive. A record of the verbal notification will be made, with the consent of the notifier, which you will have the opportunity to review and confirm before final closure.

Confidentiality & Protection

The confidentiality of whistleblowers is a top priority at APAGCoSyst. All reports will be handled with the utmost discretion and commitment to protecting whistleblowers. Only authorized personnel are given access to whistleblower reports, and our procedures ensure that the whistleblowers identity remains confidential.

Additional Information

For more detailed information on our whistleblowing process and the protections in place for whistleblowers, please refer to our Internal Whistleblowing System Guidelines.

Together, we can foster an open and responsible work environment.